Webcast : Auditing SQL Server Using Extended Events

Presenter: K. Brian Kelley
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Profiler and SQL Server tracing are deprecating and therefore instrumentation for new features aren’t implemented in these legacy technologies. The replacement for these older features are Extended Events.

In this session we’ll look at why you should be using Extended Events, how to use them, what information they can provide, and how specifically to tailor their use to audit your SQL Servers.

About the speaker(s): K. Brian Kelley is a SQL Server author, columnist, and Microsoft MVP focusing primarily on SQL Server and Windows security. In addition to being a database administrator, he has served as an infrastructure and security architect encompassing solutions with Citrix, virtualization, and Active Directory. Brian is also a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) and has been the head of a financial organization’s computer incident response team. Brian is active in the IT community having spoken at DevConnections, SQL Saturdays, code camps, and user groups. He is also the President of the Midlands PASS Chapter, a Professional Association for SQL Server Chapter located in Columbia, SC.

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