Webcast : 7 Tips and Tricks for Auditing SQL Server

Presenter: Tim Smith
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To assist with compliance and business requirements, SQL Server has several built-in tools and features that can be used to capture and audit how SQL Server is being used. The first step is knowing what features are available and selecting what works best for your needs. Then you need to implement processes to collect the data and lastly you need good procedures in place to answer whatever auditing questions might arise. This is where it is helpful to have pre-built queries in place, so you can easily repeat your efforts. Attend this free webinar to see what tools are available and begin or improve your current SQL Server auditing procedures.

About the speaker: Tim Smith consults for FinTek Development and teaches the course Automating ETL on Udemy. He's worked with technology since high school, helping his school win its first TCEA award and continues to work in automation, data architecture, back-end development, and smart contract architecture. Tim enjoys testing new technologies early in the diffusion of innovation curve and was an early adopter of NoSQL and smart contract development. He has a blog at www.fintekdev.com and helps contribute to local technical and financial events in Texas.

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