Webcast : An Introduction to Auditing & Compliance for SQL Server

Presenter: Andy Warren
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Security, compliance, and auditing are all related, but they aren't the same thing. Passing an audit doesn't mean you're secure and being secure doesn't mean you can pass the audit!

This presentation is designed to help you understand what auditors and the compliance team want to accomplish, then start thinking about how to meet those goals with the tools and processes available to us. We'll talk about some high level goals common to most environments, what we can do with the built in capabilities of SQL Server, and when we might want to look to third party tools to augment those capabilities.

Speaker: Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant based in Orlando. Andy was a founding principal of SQLServerCentral.com, is the former President of the Orlando SQL Server Users Group, and one of the founders of SQLSaturday. He has been an MVP since 2009 and has written and presented extensively SQL Server. Andy blogs at www.sqlandy.com, is on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/sqlandy, and is occasionally on Twitter as @SQLAndy.

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