Webcast : Manage SQL Server Security Permissions and Audits

Presenter: Bullett Manale
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With data breaches becoming more common, DBAs must be proactive in implementing and controlling database access permissions and security policies.

With IDERA’s SQL Secure, you can scan your SQL Server databases to identify each user’s effective rights across all objects, and generate a report card to view the top security vulnerabilities on your servers.

IDERA’s SQL Compliance Manager goes even further to help you demonstrate compliance to audits for industry regulatory requirements such as PCI, HIPAA, and SOX. Learn how to identify vulnerabilities, track sensitive data, successfully pass audits, and protect your databases.

Speaker: Bullett Manale, IDERA’s Director of Sales Engineering, has been working in technology for over 25 years. Starting as a tech support technician for Iomega supporting their backup software, he has since been a technical trainer and consultant for Deloitte, a sales engineer at Centerbeam, and a project manager at Shell Oil Company.

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