Geek Sync Webcast : Database Auditing Essentials: Tracking Who Did What to Which Data When

Presenter: Craig Mullins
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Increasing governmental and industry regulation coupled with the need for improving the security of sensitive corporate data has driven up the need to track who is accessing data in corporate databases. Organizations must be ever-vigilant to monitor data usage and protect it from unauthorized access. Each regulation places different demands on what types of data access must be monitored and audited. Ensuring compliance can be difficult, especially when you need to comply with multiple regulations. And you need to be able to capture all relevant data access attempts while still maintaining the service levels for the performance and availability of your applications.

In this webinar, Craig Mullins will discuss these issues and present the requirements for auditing data access in relational databases. The goal of this presentation is to review the regulations impacting the need to audit at a high level, and then to discuss in detail the things that need to be audited, along with pros and cons of the various ways of accomplishing this.

About Craig Mullins: Craig is president and principal consultant of Mullins Consulting, Inc. where he focuses on data management strategy and consulting. He writes the monthly DBA Corner column for Database Trends & Applications magazine. With over three decades of experience in all facets of database systems development, he has worked as a programmer/analyst, a DBA, an industry analyst, a software executive and a consultant.

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