Whitepaper : Ensuring the Security of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) within U.S. Federal Government Agencies

Safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) in the government's possession and preventing incidents and breaches are essential to ensure the federal agenkeepetain the trust of the American public. This is a responsibility shared by officials responsible for administering privacy and security programs, legal counsel, Agencies’ Inspectors General and other law enforcement as well as public and legislative affairs. It is also a function of applicable laws, such as the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) and the Privacy Act of 1974.

Enabling federal agencies to safeguard properly PII and remain in compliance with government regulations is a tough challenge made easier with database tools from Idera, Inc. Not only will the tools help safeguard PII from unauthorized exposure, they can be a tremendous asset during any necessary auditing, incident response, and breach investigation activities required of federal agencies.

This whitepaper discusses how to ensure the security of personally identifiable information within U.S. federal government agencies by using data management tools to ensure FISMA and privacy act compliance. The whitepaper discusses the regulatory overview for PII and the federal government. The whitepaper also discusses how to audit, report, and protect PII when it is stored in a database.

Author: IDERA
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